What can we help you find?

Shipware has partnered with ChannelAdvisor to help you save money!

Shipware helps high volume parcel (FedEx/UPS) and LTL shippers reduce shipping costs 5-30%, guaranteed. All with no disruption to your operation, no required change in current carriers, and with little time commitment on your part.

Shipware has helped some of the world’s most recognizable brands negotiate best-in-class carrier contract terms & pricing. In addition to their contract optimization services, Shipware’s proprietary technology audits carrier invoices to recover refunds on billing errors. Shipware’s cloud-based analytics provides greater visibility, empowering clients to make intelligent cost-saving transportation decisions.

Submit your information in the form above to have a Shipware industry expert discuss your savings potential!

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Who is ChannelAdvisor

ChannelAdvisor (NYSE: ECOM) is a leading e-commerce cloud platform whose mission is to connect and optimize the world’s commerce. For nearly two decades, ChannelAdvisor has helped brands and retailers worldwide improve their online performance by expanding sales channels, connecting with consumers around the world, optimizing their operations for peak performance and providing actionable analytics to improve competitiveness. Thousands of customers depend on ChannelAdvisor to securely power their sales and optimize fulfillment on channels such as Amazon, eBay, Google, Facebook, Walmart and hundreds more. For more information, visit www.channeladvisor.com.

What They Do

As #1 provider to the IR 1000 for marketplaces and comparison shopping solutions, ChannelAdvisor offers manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers and distributors one streamlined, cloud-based solution to guide all of your most critical marketing, selling and fulfilling activities across multiple channels.

ChannelAdvisor’s streamlined e-commerce solution:

  • Enables automated delivery of accurate product data to every destination, trouble-free management, robust analytics and the capability to expand internationally.
  • Provides data automation, repricing, channel specific templates and AMS integration services to help win the buy box and grow GMV.
  • Empowers online sellers to: 1) expand sales channels, 2) connect with consumers around the world, 3) optimize operations for peak performance, and 4) provide actionable analytics to improve competitiveness.

Trusted by thousands of customers globally, ChannelAdvisor is here to help you acquire more customers and land more sales than ever before.

Target Customer Profile

Are you the right fit for them?

  1. Minimum entry point is sellers doing or planning to do $25,000/month sales on marketplaces plus 250 skus.
  2. Do you find that you are having problems winning against your competition on Amazon (or on other marketplaces)?
  3. Are you looking to expand to international markets?
  4. Do you have plans to sell on additional marketplaces?
  5. In what ways is your listing process on Amazon/eBay/[other applicable marketplace] automated?